• ISO 9001:2015, IS0 45001:2018 Certified company


At N-Pipe Solutions Inc., Quality is the most important aspect of our business policy, we strive to make sure that all products supplied by us are as per clients order requirements and fulfil all the quality standards of the client. We are fully committed to total customer satisfaction. Every employee is charged with the responsibility to meet customer requirements and continually improve the quality in keeping with our objectives. Employee development through involvement, training and effective communications are essential in maintaining the satisfaction of Customers. By continuing to improve the ways we treat our customers, employees, and vendors, we will contribute to the mutual business and personal success of all.

Quality Policy
"Customer Satisfaction is our Goal. We will strive to deliver error-free, competitive, high-Quality products and services on time to meet and exceed our customers' expectations. Our services will be continuously improved to increase customer satisfaction conforming to ISO 9001:2015 standard requirements.”

Occupational Health and Safety Policy
N-Pipe Solutions Inc. is in the business of Stock, Trading & supply of Steel pipes for the local and international markets. We are committed to operating our business with a focus on the Health and Safety of our employees, contractors, visitors and the surrounding community. We do this by continual identification of aspects OH&S hazards by eliminating, controlling and managing them and being well prepared to deal with them effectively at early stages to minimize adverse impacts and risks.

Key commitments to the policy are:
# Perform our work in a safe and environmentally friendly manner, complying with all legal and other applicable requirements.
# Identify all Health, Safety hazards, evaluate associated risks and implement controls and programs to minimize the risks.
# Assign clear Health and Safety responsibilities to workers and provide necessary on the job and off the job training for effective OHS implementation.
# Provide adequate safety gear for performing loading, unloading & stacking of material.
# Reduce the number of injuries, Occupational Health-related incidents, exposure incidents and fire incidents.
# Constantly monitor, measure and review OHS performance, recognizing excellence and driving for continual improvement.
# Maintain and practice emergency response plans to protect our employees, customers, public and the environment in the event of an incident.

Third Party Inspection Agency

We work with various Third Party Inspection Agency appointed by us or our client to carry out Inspection of pipes to ensure complete compliance to Client's Technical & Project requirements. We welcome clients to select any Third Party Inspection agency of their choice, however, we also rate contracts with various Reputed Third Party Inspection agencies to offer our clients with Inspection services of these agencies at competitive prices. Kindly find the list of TPI agencies which whom we collaborate regularly for various client's projects.

Biggest stockiest of Pipes with Mill Test Certificate as per EN 10204 3.2 Certification